The printable version of the short guide to a happy marriage. This set includes the 10 commandments of marriage and the 10 commandments of parenting. Practical principles to make your marriage great new edition ebook 9780802491794 by ed young, beth moore. When we look more deeply into the ten commandments, we will find not only spiritual advice for enhancing our marriages, but very practical and essential. How has a conflict resulted in strengthening a weak point in your relationship with your spouse. Thou shalt have no affections or priorities which displace thy. Commandment six thou shalt flee sexual temptation online and otherwise no one is immune 1. Read the 10 commandments of marriage practical principles to make your marriage great by ed young available from rakuten kobo.
And life is a pretty long time to live with someone with whom you have no common interest. Our flight is from anything that takes our focus away from the one person with whom god has said we are to share ourselves sexually. The ten commandments given by god to his people at mt. The 10 commandments of marriage download ebook pdf, epub. Thou shalt not speak of thy spouse in a dishonoring way. Bernard jordan and profit, that the intrinsic reward of what they do is often overlooked. The 10 commandments pdf printable artwork by stephanie corfee christian kids, christian. Thou shalt have no affections or priorities which displace thy spouse. Longmarried couples will find lovebuilding precepts that will revive a failing marriage and make a great relationship even better. Young was elected president of the southern baptist convention in june of 1992 and again in june, 1993.
He is the author of many books including, total heart health, the 10 commandments of parenting, and the 10 commandments of marriage. Eventually, however, youll need to embrace your common interests. Every married couple will at some point experience disagreements, sexual frustrations. Were in the top ten, thrown for a loss once in a while, but were a winning team. A short guide to a happy marriage the download printable. Great marriages are built on a foundation of a husband and wife individually pursuing a relationship with god before and more than a relationship with each other. The ten commandments of marriage marriage revolution. In the 10 commandments of marriage, ed young uses his decades of experience counseling couples to provide ten commandments for a lifelong marriage that sizzles. To start your happily ever after, apply these golden rules and try to stick to them for as long as you both shall live. The ten commandments for marriage start marriage right. Judge joseph sabbath, after twenty years experience in presiding over what he called the nightmare world of the divorce courts, framed ten commandments of a successful marriage which, he predicted, could prevent at least ninety percent of marital smashups. Love god more than your spouse no other gods before me marriage is important, but it isnt more important than your relationship with god. If your marriage were indeed a college football team, where would it be ranked.
I want to point us to principles god has given us in a place you might not think was intended for marriage. The 10 commandments of marriage christian marriage help and. The 10 commandments of marriage christian marriage help. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord your god. Ed young shares the thou shalts and the thou shalt nots of successful relationships straight from the pages of gods word. Start marriage right the ten commandments for marriage start. The ten commandments of marriage this is a rewrite of the classic sermon of the same title by john hamby, on 10 rules for making your marriage a better marriage. Your marriage may not always be bliss, but it can be amazing. The ten commandments for marriage thou shalt have no other lovers in your life.
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